Tamil Nadu Grama Bank, Sponsored by Indian Bank was formed on 01-04-2019 by amalgamation of erstwhile Pallavan Grama Bank, & Pandyan Grama Bank, as per GOI Gazette Notification No. 363 dated 28-01-2019.


  • Serving with Smile
  • Providing Banking Services at Affordable Cost
  • Simplified Systems and Procedures
  • Banking services to the last mile person


  • Making Tamil Nadu Grama Bank as No. 1 household name in the state of Tamil Nadu

Area of Operation

Prior to amalgamation, Pallavan Grama Bank with its Headquarters at Salem functioned in 16 districts and Pandyan Grama Bank with its Headquarters at Virudhunagar functioned in 16 districts of Tamilnadu.

After amalgamation, the Bank is operating in 37 Districts of Tamil Nadu except Chennai with its Headquarters at Salem.

Share Holders

The following are the share holders of the Bank.

  • Government of India (50 %)
  • Government of Tamil Nadu (15 %)
  • Indian Bank (35 %)


The Regional Rural Banks(RRBs) were conceptualised by the Narsimham committee in 1975 to combine the local feel and familiarity of rural problems characteristic of cooperatives with the professionalism and large resource base of commercial banks. Subsequently, the RRBs were set up through the promulgation of RRB Act of 1976.

Pandyan Grama Bank

Pandyan Grama Bank, under the sponsorship of Indian Overseas Bank came into existence on 09.03.1977 with its Head Office at Sattur, covering undivided Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli districts.

Pallavan Grama Bank

Adhiyaman Grama Bank, under the sponsorship of Indian Bank came into existence on 27.12.1985 covering Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts with its Head Office at Dharmapuri.

Vallalar Grama Bank, also under the sponsorship of Indian Bank, came into existence on 19.06.1986, and covered undivided South Arcot district(bifurcated into Cuddalore and Villupuram districts) with its Head Office at Cuddalore.

As per Central Government's directive of One State, One RRB per Sponsor bank concept both Vallalar Grama Bank and Adhiyaman Grama Banks were merged on 31.08.2006 to form Pallavan Grama Bank, headquartered at Salem.

Tamil Nadu Grama Bank

Subsequently, as per Central Government's directive of “One State One RRB” concept both Pallavan Grama Bank and Pandyan Grama Bank were amalgamated into a new entity ‘Tamil Nadu Grama Bank’ with effect from 01.04.2019 having its Head Office at Salem under the sponsorship of Indian Bank.